The UK's leading marketplace for nature recovery

EnTrade has joined forces with global engineering and sustainable development consultancy Arup, to expand its operation to go nationwide across the UK.

Solent Catchment Market

What is the Solent Catchment Market?

The Solent Catchment Market has been designed to accelerate the delivery of Nature-based Projects that provide environmental services in the Test & Itchen catchment, in particular nutrient mitigation and biodiversity gain.

Developers can bid in the Market for:

  • nitrogen mitigation credits (N-Credits) and phosphorus mitigation credits (P-Credits) to meet their Nutrient Neutrality obligations
  • rights to Biodiversity Units to meet current or future Biodiversity Net Gain requirements

The Market provides a way for farmers and other landholders to offer to supply wetland, woodland and grassland on their land in exchange for a payment that makes good business sense for them.

The Solent Catchment Market is being delivered by EnTrade, supported by  a coalition of organisations that bring together expertise in market design and operation, environmental land management, landowner engagement and communications.

Latest News

Solent Nutrient Market Pilot reaches key milestone

With the Solent Nutrient Market Pilot ending, EnTrade remains committed to delivering a high-integrity market for environmental services in the Solent.  The name of the Market will change to the Solent Catchment Market to reflect EnTrade’s intention to continue to expand the environmental services available through the market.

See full statement here

Landholder EOI process now open

The process for landholders to submit an Expression of Interest to supply projects to the market is straightforward and non-binding. 

Find out more

How can I find out more?

More information about the how the Solent Catchment Market will work is available here.  If you have any questions, or would like to be kept informed about the market as it is developed, please contact us directly with your query.

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